Archive for the ‘Movies’ category

I’m Sick And Tired Of Shitty Sequels

November 15, 2006

I enjoyed the first Final Destination. I though it was a good plot and movie. The second one I didn’t care much for the plot but loved the highway scene. I did not have much expectations for the third one but it was awful stupid plot, bad acting, bad death scenes. But everything is a business now a days so I guess we will be seeing more and more shitty sequels coming out. I loved the first Blair Witch project but the when the second one came out it was horrible and ruined the experience of the first one. Why cant they just make good sequels like Oceans Twelve or Spider Man 2.

Borat’ May Be Banned in Russia, Film Distributor Says

November 9, 2006

Those silly Russians. I think they should develop a sense of humor. I’am from Ukraine and a Jew and I don’t find anything offensive about the movie. It’s a comedy for god sakes get over it. Here is the info from Fox News.


MOSCOW — “Borat” may be banned in Russia.

A government agency said it would refuse to grant permission for Sacha Baron Cohen’s controversial comedy “Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan” to be shown in theaters in neighboring Russia, its distributor here said Thursday.

The Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography said the film could offend some viewers and contained material that “might seem disparaging in relation to certain ethnic groups and religions,” according to Vadim Ivanov, theatrical sales director at Twentieth Century Fox C.I.S.

Ivanov said he hoped the agency would relent and that the film will premiere in Russia as scheduled
on Nov. 30. “Borat” was the top movie in the United States in its debut last weekend, pulling in $26.5 million.

The agency informed the company in a letter that it would not grant the permission required to show the film in theaters, but later said the decision was not official, Ivanov noted. “This story is not over,” he said.

Ivanov said he was unaware of an instance in which Russian authorities have banned a non-pornographic movie. Officials at the government agency did not respond to phone calls seeking comment.

The raucous, satiric “Borat” pokes fun at Americans through the guise of Cohen’s Kazakh TV journalist character he originated on TV in his “Da Ali G Show.” The spoof documentary follows Cohen’s Borat on a cross-country trip to report back to his homeland on American culture.

The character suggests Kazakhs drink horse urine, view prostitution, rape and incest as respectable, and are openly anti-Semitic.

Russia has close political ties with Kazakhstan, whose officials — and citizens — have seethed at the depiction of their country.

The move comes as Kremlin critics accuse President Vladimir Putin’s government of restricting freedoms and tightening control over society. Amid a growing wave of extreme nationalism and hate crimes, it appears to reflect efforts by Russian authorities — long accused of turning a blind eye — to show that they are cracking down on intolerance.

It Is Sexy Time

November 8, 2006

The funniest movie I have ever seen. Everyone and their mother should check it out. When we left the theatre so many people where saying that is so much better than Jackass 2. Which i have not seen but plan to in the future. Back to Borat I have never laughed so hard in my life. I was not the only one the whole theatre was at an uproar. Image the whole theatre filled to the brim and every body was laughing young and old it was a cool experience. For those of you who have never heard about the movie here are some cool other skits Sacha Baron Cohen.

Everthing is Illuminated

November 7, 2006

I saw this great movie yesterday. Its highly rated on imdb. I like it because some parts where filmed in my hometown of Odessa and the other parts had to do with WWII. It the usual stereotypical portrait of Ukrainians. I don’t want to give to much away because I want people to see it but i will tell you it starts off very funny and ends seriously. It was directed by Liev Schreiber and the novel was written by Jonathan Safran Foer. Its staring Elijah Wood who you know from Lord Of the Rings trilogy and another great movie’s like Green Street Holigans. The only part I did not like was the translation at times it was translated way to simply and did not get the actual points across but its definitely still worth checking out.